
shamrock shake - easy green smoothie recipe

Adrienne Orpheus

Tags food, recipes, vegan

vegan green smoothie shamrock shake recipe

Easy Shamrock Shake

+ 3 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen

+ 25 to 50 g spinach or collard greens depending on your preference

+ 1 TBSP maca powder or cacao nibs or 1 tsp of spirulina (see note) + a few splashes of filtered water, coconut water, or almond milk

Put the first three ingredients in a food processor or high speed blender (don't use a cheap blender for this!). Add a splash or two of the water on top and then process or blend until creamy. If you're using a food processor, be sure to stop and scrape down the sides every few minutes.

Note: I pretty much always use maca in this recipe because I love it, but if you use spirulina, it'll come out even more green! If you go for the cacao, I recommend nibs, not powder! For some reason, the nibs just add a perfect flavor and crunchy texture that the powder is lacking... plus the shake will stay green! Cacao powder will turn it kinda gray. :P You can also use a combination of any of these - I did one tablespoon of maca AND one of cacao nibs in this recipe before and it was delicious. 

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